Adventures in Paleo Shopping

Shortly after starting Crossfit, I decided to take a look at changing the way I was eating. My box had an arrangement with Power Supply DC – a local company providing freshly made, paleo-compliant meals delivered to certain locations throughout the region. I decided to give it a try. Although expensive, it essentially meant little to no grocery shopping because I would receive 10 meals per week (lunch and dinner Monday through Friday). Although the meals consistently improved over time, the one downside with Power Supply is the lack of a selection. The company sets a menu – 5 lunches and 5 dinners for the week (Mon-Wed lunches and dinners; Thu-Fri lunches and dinners).

Beginning in January, my box added a new option, Custom Fit Meals – a meal delivery service offering fresh, all natural meals, including paleo and primal options. One great feature of Custom Fit Meals is that it offers a number of different meal selections each week and permit the customers to make selections from that list.

Despite ordering these meals, I have found it necessary to do a bit of shopping in order to stay paleo-compliant on weekends and in between meals. The hunt was on for paleo friendly snacks and foods.

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